"The doctor said I'd have to live with the pain"
Barbara's Sträva Story
"I was suffering from nagging hip pain and occasional elbow pain. Doctor said there was nothing wrong with my hip but he did see some arthritis in my back. Gave me stretching exercises to do and said I'd basically have to live with it. The exercises helped some, but being on my feet for any length of time caused the pain to recur. I decided to give the Peace & Wellness line of coffee a try. As a 'one cup a day' coffee drinker I wasn't sure how much effect it would have but the coffee was delicious regardless.
As it turned out, after about a week or so of drinking the CBD infused coffee, my pain was gone and I'm happy to say it's been a couple years or so and it hasn't returned. I had cut down on my coffee consumption in the past months but with the arrival of some new nagging back issues, I'll be ordering my Strava Peace & Wellness coffee again. I'm a believer!"
Barbara G.
*The experience shared above is that of a Sträva customer. Your experience with CBD and CBD coffee may differ. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.